Friday, June 17, 2005

Man of Aljazeero, Richard Durbin

Congratulations to the citizens of Illinois and their elected United States Senator, Dick Durbin, on his becoming the official "Man of Aljazero".

The websites that support the enemies of the United States and its struggles against Islamofascist terrorism have found a new hero, Senator Dick Durbin of the United States Senate. And no wonder! Here is a Senator who equates Japanese-Americans of World War II with the detainees at Gitmo. What an outrageous slur against an ethnic group that was wondrously patriotic, even under adverse circumstances during that "other" war! Go to any of the enemies' websites today and you will see praises on high to Senator Durbin, such as this one: Senator stands by Nazi remark on Aljazeera's web site. "A US senator has refused to apologise for comparing the actions of US soldiers at Guantanamo Bay to those of Nazis, while others have decried or defended the mandate and method used to hold prisoners there.

"US Senator Dick Durbin on Wednesday refused to apologise for comments he made on the Senate floor referring to Nazis, Soviet gulags and a "mad regime" like Pol Pot's Khmer Rouge in Cambodia."
According to the Aljazeera Network, Senator Durbin had no plan to apologize for the comments, and in fact had demanded instead that the President of the United States is the one who should apologize for "authorizing torture".
"Durbin did not plan to apologise for the comments, spokesman Joe Shoemaker said. 'This administration should apologise to the American people for abandoning the Geneva Conventions and authorising torture techniques that put our troops at risk and make Americans less secure,' Durbin had said in a statement on Wednesday evening."
CMI * Chiapas * IMC
"Senator Durbin's remarks do break significant positive ground on some points:

*A forthright acknowledgement by Senator Durbin that Guantanamo and Abu Ghraib are not "abuses", but torture
* An admission of Congressional impotence - the concentration camps are so secret that even the supine US Congress doesn't know where they are all located.
* An implicit admission of US hypocrisy in issuing its annual "human rights report"
Islamic Community Net (UPDATE: This link seems not to be working as of 6/18/2005.) The quotes in italics are Senator Durbin's words.
However, Senator Durbin's remarks do break significant positive ground on some points:

1. A forthright acknowledgement by Senator Durbin that Guantanamo and Abu Ghraib are not "abuses", but torture:

"I believe the torture techniques that have been used at Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo and other places fall into that same category."

2. An admission of Congressional impotence - the concentration camps are so secret that even the supine US Congress doesn't know where they are all located:

"...the administration has detained thousands of individuals in secret detention centers all around the world, some of them unknown to Members of Congress. While it is the most well-known, Guantanamo Bay is only one of them."

3. An implicit admission of US hypocrisy in issuing its annual "human rights report":

"The United States, which each year issues a human rights report, holding the world accountable for outrageous conduct, is engaged in the same outrageous conduct when it comes to these prisoners."

4. Writing about the thousands of American Japanese who were imprisoned in US concentration camps during World War II, Durbin mentions:

"It took almost 40 years for us to acknowledge that we were wrong, to admit that these people should never have been imprisoned. It was a shameful period in American history and one that very few, if any, try to defend today."

Someone should inform Senator Durbin that support for the World War II concentration camps for Japanese citizens is thoroughly embedded in the antichrist Bush regime. Islamophobic bigot Daniel Pipes whom Bush designated for leadership of the congressionally-funded "US Institute of Peace" willingly defends those very concentration camps. And more.

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