Friday, May 27, 2005

Beware Coca-Cola

What Will They Believe Next?
In 1886, Frank Mason Robinson designed an elegantly-written "Coca-Cola" label using flowing Spencerian script. Robinson was a partner with pharmacist John Pemberton and together they invented and named the beverage "Coca-Cola". This is the same Coca-Cola trademark that Muslims worldwide say is "anti Islam". Believe it or not, if you view the Coca-Cola label in a mirror, the script becomes Arabic and reads "No to Mohammed, No to Mecca", according to the web site,

Gates of Vienna describes it as "The Jihad that Refreshes" and writes further, "These are the dangers facing Muslim women today. To coin a phrase: You can't make this stuff up." addressed this back in 2001, but who in the Muslim world would believe the likes of them?
Claim: Coca-Cola's script logo was designed to reveal anti-Islamic messages in its mirror image.
Status: False.
Origins: No one is quite sure how this rumor got started, but many in the Middle East are now turning the Coca-Cola logo towards a mirror to examine it for anti-Islamic statements. According to the current bit of misinformation being touted as truth, the backwards script reads: "No to Mohammed, No to Mecca."
"Islam is the fastest-growing religion in America, a guide and pillar of stability for many of our people..." (Hillary Rodman Clinton, Los Angeles Times, May 31, 1996, page 3)

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