Saturday, December 27, 2014
Obama Messiah
Just Wondering -- do the worshippers of the Obama Messiah feel betrayed when they see their Messiah embrace Satan? Apparently not, as Barack Obama's support never falls below the 35% of misguided Americans who follow his Religion, who see the Reverend Al Sharpton as standing at the right hand of their Messiah.
Monday, November 24, 2014
Obama's Sunni America
Those Americans who read Senator Barack Obama's TWO autobiographies published before his run for President could have accurately predicted Obama's foreign policy. However, after his election, any of us who dared to quote from Obama's writings were silenced with charges of Racism from Obama worshippers and Democrats. Now with Obama's six successful years of transforming America behind us, we are ridiculed for having been so gullible.
As a child, Barack Obama was adopted by his mother's second husband, Indonesian Muslim Lolo Soetero. When the family lived in Indonesia, Obama went by the name of Barry Soetero, where on his school registration form his religion was recorded as Muslim. There is nothing he has done that could convince one that he is not a Muslim. It is permitted for Muslims to lie to infidels and sitting in Reverend Jeremiah Wright's church for twenty years could be just another as a form of lying. Or it could be that Reverend Wright himself was acceptable to Sunni Muslims, as he himself had been indoctrinated into the Black Muslim faith before opening his so-called Christian church.
Barack Hussein is a Sunni Muslim. Saudi Arabia is the preeminent Sunni Muslim nation and that is the reason our brand new American President showed his fealty to Saudi Arabia's king by bowing to him. Saudi Arabia supports the Muslim Brotherhood as does President Barack Obama. Ignoring the Egyptians who were clamoring for freedom, the US helped depose our ally Mubarak so that the Muslim Brotherhood could take over the governance of Egypt. Saudi Arabia supported the rebels in Libya, so Obama's America went to war against Khadaffi. Saudi Arabia supports the rebels in Syria so the Obama Administration has been transferring weapons from Libya to those rebels. America's transferring M-1 tanks and helicopter gunships to Egypt is not about America's need for oil, it is about what any good Sunni nation would do.
Monday, November 03, 2014
Obamaism, a Quasi-socialist Colossal Failure
Obama is a failure! But for all his narcissism, he didn’t make this mess alone.
He was aided and abetted by every Democrat in Congress. And every Democrat voter from 2008 and 2012!
"They marched in lockstep with his cockamamie policies, from ObamaCare to open borders. They protected corrupt leaders in numerous federal agencies, from the IRS to the General Services Administration. They stymied efforts to find the truth about Benghazi and the Fast and Furious gunrunning debacle.
"They ceded their constitutional obligations and allowed Obama to crash the system of checks and balances. The vast majority stood silent while he gutted the military and abandoned our allies, including Israel, Egypt and Saudi Arabia, and courted Iran, the most menacing nation on earth.
"With painfully few exceptions, Democrats put their loyalty to him above their duty to America. And now they must be punished. All of them.Modal Trigger"Normally, I am not a partisan advocate. I am a registered Democrat, though I vote as an independent. Not this year. This is a national emergency and the only responsible action is to vote Republican for every federal office.
"Sparing even a favorite Democrat or two could allow Obama to spin defeat as a minor loss. Most worrisome, if Dems keep the Senate, the election will further entrench a corrupt government and further erode America’s strength and influence."
~~from Michael Goodwin, The New York Post
Thursday, October 09, 2014
Virginians Lose Health Care Insurance
Virginians - Senator Mark Warner wants you to re-elect him because he supports your President Barack Obama only 97% of the time: "If you like your health insurance, you can keep your health insurance." "If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor." "First and foremost, I want the American people to know ... the chances of an Ebola outbreak here in the United States are extremely low." "ISIS is the JV team"
In you like Barack Obama policies, vote for Mark Warner to continue them as he is an Obama Clone. Here is Senator Mark Warner’s annual percentage and his ranking in presidential support among all the Democrat senators:
![]() |
Barack Obama Canceled Your Health Insurance, let Ebola Loose on America, But Warns How Dangerous Republicans Are. |
- 96 percent in 2009, 30th out of 60
- 97 percent in 2010, 30th out of 58
- 99 percent in 2011, tied for 1st out of 53
- 96 percent in 2012, 21st out of 53
- 97 percent in 2013, 39th out of 55
Saturday, September 13, 2014
The Clinton Legacy
Waco, The 2002 World Trade Center Attack, Oklahoma City Bombing, The Khobar Towers Bombing, Embassy Bombings in Kenya and Tanzania, Al Queda Attack on USS Cole.
Louis Freeh never forgot about the Khobar Towers bombing and the more than 400 casualities among United States airmen. He wrote about it in the Wall Street Journal:
On June 25, 1996, Iran again attacked America at Dhahran, Saudi Arabia, exploding a huge truck bomb that devastated Khobar Towers and murdered 19 U.S. airmen as they rested in their dormitory. These young heroes spent every day risking their lives enforcing the no-fly zone over southern Iraq; that is, protecting Iraqi Shiites from their own murderous tyrant. When I visited this horrific scene soon after the attack, I watched dozens of dedicated FBI agents combing through the wreckage in 120-degree heat, reverently handling the human remains of our brave young men. More than 400 of our Air Force men and women were wounded in this well-planned attack,
Mr. Freeh has written a book revealing that the American president at the time of the bombings, Bill Clinton, gave the Saudis a pass in exchange for a donation to his Presidential Library. One can only wonder what other favors Clinton was able to extract from our enemies for his forebearance towards them. Time will tell all and that will be Clinton’s legacy.
On June 25, 1996, Iran again attacked America at Dhahran, Saudi Arabia, exploding a huge truck bomb that devastated Khobar Towers and murdered 19 U.S. airmen as they rested in their dormitory. These young heroes spent every day risking their lives enforcing the no-fly zone over southern Iraq; that is, protecting Iraqi Shiites from their own murderous tyrant. When I visited this horrific scene soon after the attack, I watched dozens of dedicated FBI agents combing through the wreckage in 120-degree heat, reverently handling the human remains of our brave young men. More than 400 of our Air Force men and women were wounded in this well-planned attack,Freeh says the former president let down the American people and the families of victims of the Khobar Towers terror attack in Saudi Arabia. After promising to bring to justice those responsible for the bombing that killed 19 and injured hundreds, Freeh says Clinton refused to personally ask Saudi Crown Prince Abdullah to allow the FBI to question bombing suspects the kingdom had in custody – the only way the bureau could secure the interviews, according to Freeh. Freeh writes in the book, “Bill Clinton raised the subject only to tell the crown prince that he understood the Saudis’ reluctance to cooperate and then he hit Abdullah up for a contribution to the Clinton Presidential Library.” Says Freeh, “That’s a fact that I am reporting.” (The Drudge Report)
The Clinton Legacy:
- February 26th 1993 - Terrorism first came to America with the first bombing of the World Trade Center. Clinton treated it as a “criminal act” instead of an act of war.
- 17 April 1995 - The Oklahoma City bombing which seems to have had a middle-eastern terrorist connection, which the government did not pursure, but prosecuted and put to death Timothy McVeigh.
- The next year saw the Khobar Towers bombing in Saudi Arabia where 19 American’s were killed.
- In 1998, U.S. Embassies in Kenya and Tanzania were bombed by terrorists.
- In October 2000, Al Qaeda struck again, attacking an American warship, the USS Cole, while docked in Yemen. Fifteen American sailors were killed in a Yemen port and the ship seriously damaged. The Clinton government did not consider it an act of war and did nothing in response. Two months later, in December of 2000, the Central Intelligence Agency was within 24 hours of apprehending Bin Laden. Clinton pulled them off the trail when the American Ambassador to Yemen complained that the investigation was causing trouble for US/Yemen relations. The CIA was pulled out of Yemen, and Osama Bin Laden got away.
This post was originally published by Kerfuffles Blog on December 21, 2005.
Remember the USS Cole?
Remember the USS Cole? No? Well, you are not alone. The bombing of the USS Cole was a part of “The Clinton Legacy.”
The Clinton Legacy included the killings of dozens of American children by their government at Waco, the 2002 World Trade Center Attack, the Oklahoma City Bombing, the Khobar Towers Bombing, the Embassy Bombings in Kenya and Tanzania, and Al Qaeda Attacks on the American warship USS Cole.
- February 26th 1993 – Terrorism first came to America with the first bombing of the World Trade Center. President Clinton treated it as a criminal act instead of an act of war.
- 17 April 1995 – The Oklahoma City bombing seemed to have had a middle-eastern terrorist connection, which the government did not pursue. Instead, they arrested, prosecuted and promptly executed Timothy McVeigh.
- The next year saw the Khobar Towers bombing in Saudi Arabia where 19 innocent Americans were murdered.
- In 1998, U.S. Embassies in Kenya and Tanzania were bombed by terrorists.
- In October 2000, Al Qaeda struck America again, attacking an American warship, the USS Cole, while docked in Yemen. Fifteen American sailors were killed in a Yemen port and the ship seriously damaged. The Clinton government did not consider it an act of war and did nothing in response. Two months later, in December of 2000, the Central Intelligence Agency was within 24 hours of apprehending Bin Laden. Clinton pulled them off the trail when the American Ambassador to Yemen complained that the investigation was causing trouble for US/Yemen relations. The CIA was pulled out of Yemen, and Osama Bin Laden got away.
Friday, September 12, 2014
Obama - Islam's First Pope
First off - I love the way President Barack Obama pronounces "PAH-kee-STAHN." Secondly, he seized the moment within the first two minutes of his War Speech by declaring himself Pope of all Islam, and immediately excommunicated ISIL (The Islamic State) from the Religion of Peace. "ISIL is not Islamic" the new Pope decreed. It was a powerful performance, especially with the Devil Horns in the background strategically framing his head. No more Messiah halos encircling his countenance. Those days of Hope and Change are gone forever.
It is the American people who are forcing this reluctant Commander-in-Chief to wage war on America's enemies. Unless wiser persons come forth to lead, it will be the American people who will reap the whirlwind of their President's misadventures. Two years from now Barack Obama will be living the high life, on the golf course each day, whilst ordinary Americans who chose to sleep through historic times, will be weeping for themselves and their children. "For they have sown the wind, and they shall reap the whirlwind: it hath no stalk: the bud shall yield no meal: if so be it yield, the strangers shall swallow it up." -- The Bible
And this is what our geniuses who run the American government posted at the White House official website on September 10th, 2014 (day before 9/11 2014): "Saudi Arabia has an extensive border with Syria." - Senior White House official. We can only hope that they will find a map and look at it before the start World War Three. But, ... I fear these people running the White House and just NOT smart ... as in intelligent ... to do that!
SENIOR ADMINISTRATION OFFICIAL: I guess I would just add one thing on the coalition question -- and I think this is important to really focus on, which is to say, in discussions with governments in the region, notably the Saudis and the Jordanians, what is clear is that we have a very common view of this threat. And this is really quite unusual.
ISIL has been I think a galvanizing threat around the Sunni partners in the region. They view it as an existential threat to them. Saudi Arabia has an extensive border with Syria. The Jordanians are experiencing a destabilizing impact of over a million refugees from the Syrian conflict, and are profoundly concerned that ISIL, who has stated that their ambitions are not confined to Iraq and Syria, but rather to expand to the broader region. ( web site as of Septemer 13, 2014)
Thursday, September 11, 2014
Democrat Extremists in the US Senate
These forty-eight Senators of the United States are attempting to do what has never been previously done before. These Democrats are planning to amend the Bill of Rights. They are attempting to radically shrink your Constitutionally protected First Amendment protection to express political speech.
George Will: Senate Democrats’ extremism on display
Tammy Baldwin (Wis.), Mark Begich (Alaska), Michael Bennet (Colo.), Richard Blumenthal (Conn.), Cory Booker (N.J.), Barbara Boxer (Calif.), Sherrod Brown (Ohio), Maria Cantwell (Wash.), Benjamin Cardin (Md.), Thomas Carper (Del.), Robert Casey (Pa.), Christopher Coons (Del.), Richard Durbin (Ill.), Dianne Feinstein (Calif.), Al Franken (Minn.), Kirsten Gillibrand (N.Y.), Kay Hagan (N.C.), Tom Harkin (Iowa), Martin Heinrich (N.M.), Heidi Heitkamp (N.D.), Mazie Hirono (Hawaii), Tim Johnson (S.D.), Angus King (Maine), Amy Klobuchar (Minn.), Carl Levin (Mich.), Joe Manchin (W.Va.), Edward Markey (Mass.), Claire McCaskill (Mo.), Robert Menendez (N.J.), Jeff Merkley (Ore.), Barbara Mikulski (Md.), Christopher Murphy (Conn.), Patty Murray (Wash.), Bill Nelson (Fla.), Jack Reed (R.I.), Harry Reid (Nev.), John Rockefeller (W.Va.), Bernard Sanders (Vt.), Brian Schatz (Hawaii), Charles Schumer (N.Y.), Jeanne Shaheen (N.H.), Debbie Stabenow (Mich.), Jon Tester (Mont.), Mark Udall (Colo.), John Walsh (Mont.), Elizabeth Warren (Mass.), Sheldon Whitehouse (R.I.), Ron Wyden (Ore.).In November 2014, you will have an opportunity to vote out these extremists highlighted in red before they take away your freedom of speech.
George Will: Senate Democrats’ extremism on display
Sunday, August 24, 2014
We Need More Intolerance!
Tolerance is so easy. That is why Tolerance is preached to the high hills by Progressives and why Tolerance is intolerantly demanded by Political Correctness. What we need is INTOLERANCE! We need Intolerance of Intolerance; we need Intolerance of the Intolerant.
Europe's Slow Surrender to Intolerance
Europe's Slow Surrender to Intolerance
Tuesday, August 19, 2014
Obama: If You've Got A Business, You Didn't Build That
Message to businesses in Ferguson, Missouri: "You Didn't Build That." Obama and his looters did and they are just coming to take what they already own.
Tuesday, July 08, 2014
Costco's "In Your Face" Totalitarianism
Monday, July 07, 2014
Obama's War on the Middle Class
The Limousine Liberals who are self-righteously condemning middle-class Americans for refusing to accept busloads of illegal aliens should put their money where their loud mouths are. They should welcome these poor so-called refugee children into their own multi-million dollar, multi-1000 square foot, multi-bedroom spacious homes in Hollywood, New York, Florida, Washington and all the beautiful places in America where the wealthy Social Democrats own their mansions.
Progressive Leftist policies are assaults on the Middle Class who cannot escape from Leftist lunacy. It is a War on the Middle Class who cannot afford to live on Martha's Vineyard, Georgetown, McLean, and cannot afford to send their children to pricey private schools. The Social Democrat elites live their lives without ever seeing the results of their policies. In fact, they don't even fly on commercial airliners anymore. They have no contact whatsoever with Middle Class Americans and no sympathy for them and their plight.
Here is a report of what the Limousine Liberals of one Georgetown neighborhood think of the "McDonalds-eating, overweight, blue-uniformed" security guards who protect them from harm: BLUE COLLAR SECURITY DETAIL IRKING LIMOUSINE LIBERAL NEIGHBORS
Progressive Leftist policies are assaults on the Middle Class who cannot escape from Leftist lunacy. It is a War on the Middle Class who cannot afford to live on Martha's Vineyard, Georgetown, McLean, and cannot afford to send their children to pricey private schools. The Social Democrat elites live their lives without ever seeing the results of their policies. In fact, they don't even fly on commercial airliners anymore. They have no contact whatsoever with Middle Class Americans and no sympathy for them and their plight.
Here is a report of what the Limousine Liberals of one Georgetown neighborhood think of the "McDonalds-eating, overweight, blue-uniformed" security guards who protect them from harm: BLUE COLLAR SECURITY DETAIL IRKING LIMOUSINE LIBERAL NEIGHBORS
Sunday, July 06, 2014
Muslim Brotherhood in the White House
The Revolution Has Already Happened
While Americans were celebrating their historic election of the first black President, jumping with joy at Free Obamacare forever, not noticing joblessness as they collected never-ending unemployment checks and food stamps, cheering the ending (not victory) of Middle Eastern wars, praising God for allowing same-sex marriages in their churches, enjoying the new freedom to legally smoke marijuana, they never noticed that the Muslim Brotherhood had thoroughly infiltrated the White House.
Starting with the Arab oil embargo of the 1970s, under President Jimmy Carter, radical Muslims joined the Saul Alinsky wing of the Democrat Party to make the toxic triangle of revolution, criminal mafias, and reactionary Islamism. Since then, major money flows have been going from the ultra-radical Muslim Brotherhood to the Carter and Clinton centers, leading the way for the revolutionary victories of President Barack Obama. This is not an accident of history. All was planned and executed by Obama's radical leftists like Attorney General Eric Holder, Susan Rice, Valerie Jarrett, Mafia partners like Senator Harry Reid, corrupt media barons like the New York Times, and Islamofascists like John Brennan, big “mainstream” media corporations, famous Silicon Valley high-tech companies like Apple and Google supporting Obama’s Progressive Policy Institute, and George Soros, who supports the anti-Israel front group J Street.
While Americans were celebrating their historic election of the first black President, jumping with joy at Free Obamacare forever, not noticing joblessness as they collected never-ending unemployment checks and food stamps, cheering the ending (not victory) of Middle Eastern wars, praising God for allowing same-sex marriages in their churches, enjoying the new freedom to legally smoke marijuana, they never noticed that the Muslim Brotherhood had thoroughly infiltrated the White House.
Starting with the Arab oil embargo of the 1970s, under President Jimmy Carter, radical Muslims joined the Saul Alinsky wing of the Democrat Party to make the toxic triangle of revolution, criminal mafias, and reactionary Islamism. Since then, major money flows have been going from the ultra-radical Muslim Brotherhood to the Carter and Clinton centers, leading the way for the revolutionary victories of President Barack Obama. This is not an accident of history. All was planned and executed by Obama's radical leftists like Attorney General Eric Holder, Susan Rice, Valerie Jarrett, Mafia partners like Senator Harry Reid, corrupt media barons like the New York Times, and Islamofascists like John Brennan, big “mainstream” media corporations, famous Silicon Valley high-tech companies like Apple and Google supporting Obama’s Progressive Policy Institute, and George Soros, who supports the anti-Israel front group J Street.
"It is very hard to know if we will come out of this mad state of affairs intact. America has teetered on the edge of Marxist disaster once before in its history, during the FDR and Truman years, when the fruits of the Manhattan Project were instantly transmitted to Stalin in Moscow, who was able to explode his own copycat bomb as early as 1949. Leftist betrayal is not new, nor is it unusual." from Dangerous Times: Obama the Betrayer
Thursday, June 26, 2014
Everything Comes Bundled in Bunches
Barack Obama - The Bunchiest President Ever
I am always amazed at Barack Obama's limited vocabulary. He has had the finest education American offers, yet he exhibits nary a clue of erudition. When speechifying he uses the same phrases repetitively such as "li'l bit" and "folks" whether describing American citizens or Islamist mass murderers, and to him everything comes bundled in "bunches" including doctors, and as he bragged recently "I've got a bunch of scientists at NASA and I've got a bunch of scientists at EPA.”
Obama goes after 'climate deniers' from podium, again
I am always amazed at Barack Obama's limited vocabulary. He has had the finest education American offers, yet he exhibits nary a clue of erudition. When speechifying he uses the same phrases repetitively such as "li'l bit" and "folks" whether describing American citizens or Islamist mass murderers, and to him everything comes bundled in "bunches" including doctors, and as he bragged recently "I've got a bunch of scientists at NASA and I've got a bunch of scientists at EPA.”
Obama goes after 'climate deniers' from podium, again
Saturday, May 17, 2014
The JournoList
Silent Revolution: How the Left Rose to Political Power and Cultural Dominance
by Barry Rubin:
151 Confirmed Members of JournoList
The JournoList was America's mainstream media treating the American people like mushrooms so that the media's preferred candidate, President Barack Obama, would be guaranteed to win reelection in 2012. 151 names of American journalists have been confirmed and they include members from the Washington Post, NY Times, New Republic, Newsweek, POLITICO, Economist, CNN, The New Yorker.The Third Left’s subversion of bedrock American institutions such as the news media has only become more emboldened. A more recent example Rubin cites is the 2009 JournoList scandal, a product of the machinations of former Washington Post star pundit Ezra Klein. Influential writers, academics and members of the press on the confidential JournoList list-serv spoke of how to be most effective in ensuring Obama’s election victory in 2008. They told colleagues to deflect attention from Obama’s relationship with Jeremiah Wright by calling Obama’s conservative critics racists. Rubin also cites Ryan Donmoyer of Bloomberg News who said, 'Is anyone starting to see parallels here between the teabaggers and the rise of the Brownshirts?' Yet, says Rubin, 'not a single serious investigation was conducted about Obama’s earlier life.'
151 Confirmed Members of JournoList
Friday, May 16, 2014
Why Was New York Times Editor Fired?
Why was Jill Abramson fired from the New York Times?
It is simple. "The Obama years are a benchmark for a new level of secrecy and control. It's created quite a challenging atmosphere for The New York Times, and for some of the best reporters in my newsroom who cover national security issues in Washington," Jill Abramson, the editor of the New York Times told an NPR host.
"Collectively, they have really, I think, put a chill on reporting about national security issues in Washington." Abramson added: "Sources who want to come forward with important stories that they feel the public needs to know are just scared to death that they're going to be prosecuted. Reporters fear that they will find themselves subpoenaed in this atmosphere."
Thursday, April 17, 2014
The Reverend Al Sharlaton
Al Sharpton's role in Crown Heights and the Murder of an innocent Australian Jewish tourist, Yankel Rosenbaum, resulted in big successes for the Evil Reverend. He now finds himself to be BFF to both POTUS and Attorney General Eric Holder, star of his own TV show, and head honcho of America's most prominent political party - the Democrats. In fact, the Baptist preacher who paraphrased Jesus's sacred words into "No justice, no peace," has become so enriched from his Shake Down artistry, that he no longer need risk being exposed by the FBI whilst doing drug deals.
Al Sharpton's True Role in Crown Heights
Al Sharpton's True Role in Crown Heights
al sharpton,
barack obama,
crown heights,
democrat party,
Friday, April 11, 2014
More Pinocchios for Obama
President Barack Hussein Obama cannot tell the straight truth about anything, especially civil rights.
Barack Obama has always got to put himself in the central spot of history for the ages, even if he must fabricate. President Barack Obama honored the 50th anniversary of the Civil Rights Act on Thursday, April 10th, in Austin, Texas, praising former President Lyndon B. Johnson's work in regards to civil rights. Obama said that he himself has "lived out the promise of LBJ's efforts." Lyndon Johnson, as John the Baptist of the olden days, prepared the way for Barack Obama to serve as America's first black president. Obama added that even with the power of the presidency, Lyndon Johnson never forgot his growing up in Texas surrounded by poverty and racial hatred. "He believed that their plight was his plight too, that his freedom ultimately was wrapped up in theirs, and that making their lives better was what the hell the presidency was for," Obama brazenly fabricated.
The TRUTH! Lyndon Baines Johnson did not grow up poor. He never cared about poor people in Texas. LBJ was power hungry, and had nothing but contempt for blacks and Mexican-Americans. Johnson got himself elected the "old-fashioned" way, by stuffing ballot boxes in South Texas. LBJ had nothing but contempt for American soldiers fighting in Vietnam. He stole the valor of World War II soldiers by awarding himself the Silver Star medal for riding as a passenger in a military plane. After spending more than twenty years in Washington DC, in the House, Senate and Presidency, he retired from government vastly enriched financially ... for reasons having nothing to do with legal activities. That is why he is a role model for our current Regime's leader, President Barack Obama, who is on the road to even more success in that regard than LBJ ever dreamt about.
President Obama did utter one undeniable truth: he commended Lyndon Johnson for his ability during his presidency to push through legislation in Congress, even in the face of opposition from the racist Democrat party.
Barack Obama has always got to put himself in the central spot of history for the ages, even if he must fabricate. President Barack Obama honored the 50th anniversary of the Civil Rights Act on Thursday, April 10th, in Austin, Texas, praising former President Lyndon B. Johnson's work in regards to civil rights. Obama said that he himself has "lived out the promise of LBJ's efforts." Lyndon Johnson, as John the Baptist of the olden days, prepared the way for Barack Obama to serve as America's first black president. Obama added that even with the power of the presidency, Lyndon Johnson never forgot his growing up in Texas surrounded by poverty and racial hatred. "He believed that their plight was his plight too, that his freedom ultimately was wrapped up in theirs, and that making their lives better was what the hell the presidency was for," Obama brazenly fabricated.
The TRUTH! Lyndon Baines Johnson did not grow up poor. He never cared about poor people in Texas. LBJ was power hungry, and had nothing but contempt for blacks and Mexican-Americans. Johnson got himself elected the "old-fashioned" way, by stuffing ballot boxes in South Texas. LBJ had nothing but contempt for American soldiers fighting in Vietnam. He stole the valor of World War II soldiers by awarding himself the Silver Star medal for riding as a passenger in a military plane. After spending more than twenty years in Washington DC, in the House, Senate and Presidency, he retired from government vastly enriched financially ... for reasons having nothing to do with legal activities. That is why he is a role model for our current Regime's leader, President Barack Obama, who is on the road to even more success in that regard than LBJ ever dreamt about.
President Obama did utter one undeniable truth: he commended Lyndon Johnson for his ability during his presidency to push through legislation in Congress, even in the face of opposition from the racist Democrat party.
barack hussein obama,
barack obama,
civil rights,
lyndon baines johnson,
silver star
Sunday, April 06, 2014
Ritual Sacrifice at Silicon Valley
The following is a comment by Donald Conroy on 2 April 2014, before the ritual sacrifice by Mozilla of its CEO Brendan Eich. It was published at the blog, "First Things."
There is a difference between being against gay people and being against gay marriage. Marriage is a word that the government borrowed from religion. People who have traditional views have a problem with the idea that the religious word "marriage" might be redefined. I have been saying for years that the federal government should stop recognizing marriage altogether, and provide civil unions according to whatever definition the federal government wishes. Marriage should belong to churches, and their freedom of religion will permit them to choose whether to change or maintain the definition of the word. Since I believe marriage (Holy Matrimony) is a sacrament, I would have donated to Prop. 8 if I had the cash to spare. I have gay friends who are aware of my point of view on this subject. I have a transgendered friend who is aware of my point of view on this subject. To repeat: there is a difference between being against gay people and being against gay marriage. I am only against gay marriage. The word "homophobe" does not apply to me, and didn't apply to me when I first encountered the word back in the 90s.
Friday, April 04, 2014
Firefox - the Fascist Browser
First thing on my agenda this morning is to uninstall Mozilla's Firefox Browser from my computers. I will replace Firefox with Chrome, Yes, I know Google spies on us all, but what I did not know is that some browsers are Fascists - like Firefox. And I know that Fascists and Fascism are far more dangerous to living things than are spies.
Mozilla CEO Brendan Eich forced to resign for supporting traditional marriage laws
Mozilla CEO Brendan Eich forced to resign for supporting traditional marriage laws
"I don't want to talk about my personal beliefs because I kept them out of Mozilla all these 15 years we've been going,” Eich told The Guardian. “I don't believe they're relevant.” That wasn't an option. "CEO Brendan Eich should make an unequivocal statement of support for marriage equality," a Credoaction petition signed by almost 75,000 people said, per The Inquirer. "If he cannot, he should resign. And if he will not, the board should fire him immediately."Force Resignation of Brendan Eichl, CEO of Mozilla
TODAY’S MOST OMINOUS NEWS STORY … is the resignation of Brendan Eich as CEO of Mozilla, the company that makes the Firefox browser. Eich is a superstar in the world of technology; among other things, he invented Javascript and was one of the founders of Mozilla.
Tuesday, April 01, 2014
Suffering Culture Fatigue
In America, the Stupid Majority Rules & Depravity, Vulgarity Ascend
Thirty years ago in 1972, the United Negro College Fund began a campaign slogan: "A mind is a terrible thing to waste." The mantra is still the same, but American culture has deteriorated so far downward into depravity and vulgarity, that one can merely observe that what has been wasted were the words of the United Negro College Fund. The little girl in this video represents millions of children. She is obviously bright and her language skills are highly evolved, but her mind is being wasted by the uncaring, ignorant adults in this nation, the Stupid Majority. The person who posted this deeply disturbing video wrote "I Can Watch This Like 50 Times Lbs." Over 200 people "liked" it and almost 6,000 people shared it. With the exception of two or three, all the comments were favorable and encouraging. God help us.
Post by Scottie Smith.
Thursday, March 20, 2014
MSNBC Hypocrisy Test (Rachel Maddow)
Hypocrisy is an amazing sin. When the American Right criticizes "President" Obama it is called hate mongering, but when the American Left goes after Republican leaders it is praised as patriotism. The Progresso-Fascists (Democrats) and the rest of the Left are the TRUE racists and hate mongers of our time and they are completely oblivious to their own hypocrisy. This is a test:
Thursday, February 20, 2014
Transgenderism Rules
Praise the Lord. Old Virginny has finally caught up with the 21st Century - BC, that is.
Nothing new here Virginians, just move along, as this little surgical procedure has been a part of human history for the past 4000 plus years:
"Castration was typically carried out on the soon-to-be eunuch without his consent in order that he might perform a specific social function; this was common in many societies. The earliest records for intentional castration to produce eunuchs are from the Sumerian city of Lagash in the 21st century BC. Over the millennia since, they have performed a wide variety of functions in many different cultures: courtiers or equivalent domestics, treble singers, religious specialists, soldiers, royal guards government officials and guardians of women or harem servants." Wikipedia
“I think it’s fantastic,” said Mary Aab, Executive Director of the LGBT Center of Hampton Roads. “I think it’s excellent. I’m really pleased to see Virginia moving forward with again being inclusive and understanding the value of allowing all individuals to play sports.”
Transgender Policy Announced for Virginia School Children
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