Saturday, September 13, 2014

Remember the USS Cole?

Remember the USS Cole? No? Well, you are not alone. The bombing of the USS Cole was a part of “The Clinton Legacy.”
The Clinton Legacy included the killings of dozens of American children by their government at Waco, the 2002 World Trade Center Attack, the Oklahoma City Bombing, the Khobar Towers Bombing, the Embassy Bombings in Kenya and Tanzania, and Al Qaeda Attacks on the American warship USS Cole.

  • February 26th 1993 – Terrorism first came to America with the first bombing of the World Trade Center. President Clinton treated it as a criminal act instead of an act of war.
  • 17 April 1995 – The Oklahoma City bombing seemed to have had a middle-eastern terrorist connection, which the government did not pursue. Instead, they arrested, prosecuted and promptly executed Timothy McVeigh.
  • The next year saw the Khobar Towers bombing in Saudi Arabia where 19 innocent Americans were murdered.
  • In 1998, U.S. Embassies in Kenya and Tanzania were bombed by terrorists.
  • In October 2000, Al Qaeda struck America again, attacking an American warship, the USS Cole, while docked in Yemen. Fifteen American sailors were killed in a Yemen port and the ship seriously damaged. The Clinton government did not consider it an act of war and did nothing in response. Two months later, in December of 2000, the Central Intelligence Agency was within 24 hours of apprehending Bin Laden. Clinton pulled them off the trail when the American Ambassador to Yemen complained that the investigation was causing trouble for US/Yemen relations. The CIA was pulled out of Yemen, and Osama Bin Laden got away.
"Remember the USS Cole" was originally published by Kerfuffles Blog on February 6, 2009.

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