Monday, February 21, 2005

Netherlands Jihad

I have written a number of posts about the violent "broad daylight" murder of film maker Theo van Gogh by an Islamic jihadist in The Netherlands. A Norwegian security analysis has concluded:
"The killing of Theo Van Gogh was not the work of a lone fanatic but rather the deliberate work of an ad-hoc group of al-Qaeda supporters that viewed the world within the context of the network's global jihad."
Blogger Dan Darling at Winds of Change has read the report and has a very thorough explanation at his blog. The Norwegians concluded that those countries that have allowed years of Islamic immigration are now being rewarded with a sub-culture of their own citizens, violently attempting an overthrow of the indigenous culture. It is frightening.

The Murder of Theo Van Gogh

Jihad In the Netherlands

If You Ever Doubt

Do we Americans have much in common with the Dutch and their ideas of liberalism and toleration? Consider this. The Calvinistic document, The Dutch Declaration of Independence, written almost two hundred years earlier in 1581, was a model for our own U.S. Declaration of Independence. Thomas Jefferson recounted that the framers' knowledge of the "Dutch Revolution" gave them evidence and confidence that the American Revolution could also commence and succeed. In fact, new studies suggest that Jefferson may have knowingly drawn on the Dutch document. John Adams said that the Dutch charters had "been particularly studied, admired, and imitated in every State" in America.

The Unanimous Declaration of 1776

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