Which is worse? Carrying a dog in a dog carrier on top of a station wagon, or eating a dog? "Well, Barack Obama ate dog meat as he described in his 2007 biography "Dreams from My Father:"
"I learned how to eat small green chill peppers raw with dinner (plenty of rice), and, away from the dinner table, I was introduced to dog meat (tough), snake meat (tougher), and roasted grasshopper (crunchy) . . . . [Lolo] explained that a man took on the powers of whatever he ate: One day soon, he promised, he would bring home a piece of tiger meat for us to share."Do you suppose that any lap dogs of Obama's Media Press Corps will be brave enough to ask the President about the crunchiness or taste of endangered species tiger? Come to think of it, we should all ask Barack Obama about the crunchiness of Media Lap Dogs, as he eats them every day for lunch. I am betting that they are not at all tough, are they Mr. President?