Sunday, February 27, 2005

Winter Attack by Ward Churchill

From Jackson's Junction and CBS4Denver comes this great Media Link (works in all browsers) of Ward Churchill's "Winter Attack"! CBS4 Denver News has the entire televisions segment, viewable only in Internet Explorer.

The following is from CBS4 News:
"This is an artwork we've got called 'Winter Attack.' It looks like it was based on a Thomas Mails painting; it looks like you ripped it off. Can you tell us about that?" Chohan asked.

"An exclusive report by CBS4 News indicates embattled University of Colorado professor Ward Churchill may have broken copyright law by making a mirror image of an artist's work and selling it as his own. Placing Churchill's work beside that of renowned artist Thomas E. Mails and the two look like mirror images. But one is a copyrighted drawing. The other is an autographed print by Churchill. "

Michelle Maukin Covers the Churchill Saga and she has lots of images and links to Churchill's works on e-bay (all fake so far as I know).

CBS4 Denver News has the entire television segment and pictures of the Two "Winter Attacks" artwork:

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